80 EUR 1h
Double lunging
35 EUR 30 min
35 EUR 30 min
Riding lesson
35 EUR 30 min
Price of quote
Treatment for ridingschools
Price of quote
Mileage compensation
3,5 EUR / km
You as a horse owner are responsible for the horse not being sick, lame, have no acute injuries, recently vaccinated (wait 3 weeks) received cortisone (wait 2 weeks) dewormed / received painkillers (wait 1 week).
Payment is made via Swish.
Contact me if you have any questions.
How does it work
When I come out to you, we go over the horse's problems and history. Then I do an examination of the whole horse. I check that the horse is symmetrical. Feel through the whole horse's muscles-tendon-ligament-joints (cervical spine-neck-back-sacrum-hip-SI-joint). Depending on the problem, I may need to see the horse in motion. After the examination i will make a treatment plan that is designed specifically for your horse. Normally, a clear change appears after 3 - 4 treatments but it is very individual and depends on what the problem is and how long the horse has had the problem. Return visits usually between 2-3 weeks.
My appointment will initially take up to 1.5 hours. Follow-up appointments take about 1 hour.
After the appointment, we go through how your horse felt and i give my recommendations / exercises to do at home. I can also build a training plan with riding exercises to meet the specific needs of your horse.
Ensuring effective aftercare following your horse's therapy is crucial. The key to success involves implementing necessary changes alongside the therapy. For example it could be a few simple exercises to do at home, correction in shoeing if an issue is found, adjustments to equipment (saddle, bridle, etc.), modifications in training, changes in the diet etc.